Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Introductions: Del

I'm Del. *waves in a way that manages to be both friendly and socially awkward*

I love books, and I love reading, always have. I'm also an aspiring writer and my most fervent hope is in two parts: 1. That I never ever write anything that would be a worthy candidate for this blog and 2. That if I did, my two cohorts in blogging would have stopped me before unleashing it upon the unsuspecting world.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Introductions: Eric

Stephanie said it'd be a good idea to introduce ourselves as we get the ball rolling and ramp this one up.

I'm Eric. I'm an avid Sci-Fi and Fantasy reader and have been since I was very young. I spend most of my blogging energy over at Talking Game, but I'm willing to help Stephanie and Deleva poke fun at poorly written and edited books.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Welcome to Bad e-Books!

The three of us love books.  We're the kids that were in the corner reading while the other kids were playing on the playground.  We've been doing this for a long time, and we've read a LOT of books.  Sadly, not all of them have been good.  Some of them have been downright bad.

Now, don't get us wrong - on occasion, a bad book is just what the doctor ordered.  Those are popcorn books, which are light and fluffy and don't have much substance to them, and sometimes they're just the kind of brain break we need.  This blog isn't about those kinds of books.

The books we're talking about here are BAD - it might be the writing, it might be the plot, the characters, the setting, or any combination thereof.  "Bad" is also quite subjective, so what we may consider mock-worthy and awful may be your most favorite book ever - that's what the comments are for.

We're open to suggestions, so feel free to email us at with what you'd like us to mock.